Carried out by the Planning Department in relation to:

Article 4(2) direction Castle Rd, Garden Lane, Great Southsea Street, Kent Rd, Regent Place, St Edwards Rd & Southsea Terrace

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House No.Roof?Cladding?WindowsBoundary WallFront DoorNotesQueries
13 Castle RoadSlatered rendertimber slashrailingswoodrender at front, red and grey brickwork at rear
15 Castle Roadconcrete tiles - mansardtimber slashrailingswood doorcase with modern wooden door with fanlight
19 Castle Roadbrickmodern (UPVC) small diagonal pane effectbrick with railingssolid wood inner door, outer double wooden door
33 Castle Roadsmall red tilepainted brick front red brick sidewood sashrendered wall (tyrolean)wood - glazed topred and grey headers, timber three storey bay
35 Castle Roadclay tilebrick, chimney with Fareham potsmodern wood casementrendered wallwood panelled
37 Castle Roadsmall concrete tile (similar to clay tiles)brick, chimney with Fareham potswood sashlow wall and railingswood
6 Castle Roadred concrete tilered brick with two storey rendered baytimber sashbrickwood panelled
8 Castle Roadred concrete tilered brick with two storey rendered bayUPVCbrickLarge glazed door
10 Castle Roadred concrete tilered brick with two storey rendered baytimber sashbrickouter - wood panelled
12 Castle RoadslaterenderUPVC except for dormer which is wood sashbrickmodern wood with fanlight

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