Carried out by the Planning Department in relation to:

Article 4(2) direction Castle Rd, Garden Lane, Great Southsea Street, Kent Rd, Regent Place, St Edwards Rd & Southsea Terrace

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House No.Roof?Cladding?WindowsBoundary WallFront DoorNotesQueries
18 Garden lane 'Red Lodge'slatered bricktimber sashbrickpanelled timber - outerLych gate' type entrance
19 Garden lane 'Windsor Lodge'red clay tilered brick with red and grey brickwork on end elevationmetalbrickwood?curved headed dormers, arched entrance gateway. Late c18/early c19
2 St Edwards Roadred tilered brick with some terra cotta detailswood sashred brickouter wood2 storey bay + dormer
4 St Edwards Roadred clay tilepainted brickworkwood sash 1F + UPVC GFred brick - modernUPVC panelleddatestone '1871'
6 St Edwards Roadslatewhite rendertimber casement and sashestimber and glasssetback from road
8 St Edwards Roadslatebricktimber sashlow brick wall with gate piers + hedgewood panelledpair of semi detached
10 St Edwards RoadtilebrickUPVClow brick wall with gate piers + hedgewood panelledpair of semi detached
12 St Edwards Roadred tilered brick with some terra cotta panelstimber sash, stained glass each side of and above doorlow brick walltimber panelled with stained glass in top sectiontwo storey bay, two dormers
14 St Edwards Roadred tilered brick with some terra cotta panelstimber sash, stained glass each side of and above doorlow brick walltimber panelled with stained glass in top sectiontwo storey bay, two dormers
16 St Edwards Roadred tilered brick with some terra cotta panelstimber sash, stained glass each side of and above doorlow brick walltimber panelled with stained glass in top sectiontwo storey bay, two dormers

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