Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to housing supply for the plan period?

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381janathomeFeedback (Q4-10)Question 5b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to housing supply for the plan period?The data is flawed. There are NOT 460 permissions outstanding at St James' & Langstone Campus; 4,081 at Tipner; or 4,605 at the City Centre as of March 2020. There are not even applications for these numbers.
389Feedback (Q4-10)Question 5b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to housing supply for the plan period?As a resident in the Tipner area, without the construction of "Tipner west" over 4000 homes is an unachievable task. Parking is absolutely terrible and we're currently starting a parking consultation.
390jlloydFeedback (Q4-10)Question 5b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to housing supply for the plan period?I think the City Centre option is being underdeveloped. This is a huge area and would take additional height in its development. Other areas of the city are going to suffer if they are developed, like teh Pompey Centre for example, we need jobs , shops and things to do, this area cannot just be housing!
405martinFeedback (Q4-10)Question 5b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to housing supply for the plan period?The proposed percentage of affordable housing is much too high - we need to keep a higher proportion of higher earners in the city
416andrewprestonFeedback (Q4-10)Question 5b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to housing supply for the plan period?The plan does not think 'outside the box' or it hasn't been mentionned if such thought has occured. What potential is there for reuse of old Royal Navy sites? What potential is there for land reclamation. Although 'High Rise' accommodation has a bad reputation after Grenfel House there is still a place for this for single people or homeless people on a temporary basis at least. What potential is there for temporary accommodation on Cruise Ships for example, in Portsmouth Harbour. Could artificial islands like Whale Island be built for housing as has been done by Gulf States. Could more under house parking be provided so that the streets could be less crowded with parked cars and so that more trees could be planted. Such houses would have the first floor raised above the flood plane and be safer if flooding occured.
422Feedback (Q4-10)Question 5b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to housing supply for the plan period?It's all good and well building new homes but realistically they are never "affordable" in comparison to the a high majority of working class people who live in the city who work hard yet still dont have the finances to meet deposits.If new housing is built then the whole system of council housing should be looked at to see how it can be reduced and only residents of portsmouth should be viable for new homes.
436Feedback (Q4-10)Question 5b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to housing supply for the plan period?We do not need anymore student accommodation. It does not benefit the residents, only the university and the council in back handers!!
441Feedback (Q4-10)Question 5b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to housing supply for the plan period?in this period more sites will come online
444adrian_leggFeedback (Q4-10)Question 5b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to housing supply for the plan period?Tipner West should not go ahead.
464kevinbutcFeedback (Q4-10)Question 5b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to housing supply for the plan period?what about building on the former aswe site on the hill, you could fit lots of houses there & therefore save the tipner west area from development, pleasing almost everyone i should think

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