Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the regulation of future changes to use of town centres?
Local Plan Q14b)
Responder id | Responder name | Content name | Question | Answer |
389 | Feedback (Q11-16) | Question 14b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the regulation of future changes to use of town centres? | Current owners of property in city centre and other shopping areas need to consider the cost of renting for businesses and the condition of the property theyre currently letting. Most are no longer maintained and are run down and are subsequently reducing the desirability of areas. | |
405 | martin | Feedback (Q11-16) | Question 14b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the regulation of future changes to use of town centres? | Retail is changing and much of the city is overdue a period of regeneration. Fewer restrictions will encourage a faster transition |
444 | adrian_legg | Feedback (Q11-16) | Question 14b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the regulation of future changes to use of town centres? | |
456 | felicity_wood | Feedback (Q11-16) | Question 14b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the regulation of future changes to use of town centres? | Some control over how spaces are adapted or changed is needed to support regeneration . |
538 | markbartonrn | Feedback (Q11-16) | Question 14b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the regulation of future changes to use of town centres? | City centre needs to get smaller and work with smaller shops and units - the big shops have had their day. |
575 | Feedback (Q11-16) | Question 14b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the regulation of future changes to use of town centres? | Maybe there is an advantage in returning some of the city centre back into a residential area, providing the work is of a sufficient standard. | |
576 | Feedback (Q11-16) | Question 14b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the regulation of future changes to use of town centres? | What 'Town Centre'? Successive issues have distroyed both Commercial Road and Palmeston Road shopping centres. The City needs one. Now is the opportunity! | |
597 | Feedback (Q11-16) | Question 14b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the regulation of future changes to use of town centres? | Southsea will die further if all the shops turn to more failing bars, cafes and restaurants. Laissiz-faire is not the answer here, we need proper planning. | |
638 | Feedback (Q11-16) | Question 14b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the regulation of future changes to use of town centres? | Adding regulations will not ensure uses stay - it will instead ensure that units stay empty. | |
654 | johnbudd | Feedback (Q11-16) | Question 14b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the regulation of future changes to use of town centres? | Any future development needs to be sympathetic to the history of our city. Which would we rather have the beautiful regeneration of The Point and Old Commercial Rd or the way The Civic Offices block out our most impressive building, the Guildhall which was built to show how our city had grown but is now pretty much hidden from view. |
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