Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the draft Policy E5?

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405martinFeedback (Q11-16)Question 16b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the draft Policy E5?Generally it all makes sense, but Milton Market needs to be moved from 'local centre' to 'district centre' status
444adrian_leggFeedback (Q11-16)Question 16b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the draft Policy E5?No
538markbartonrnFeedback (Q11-16)Question 16b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the draft Policy E5?Most I agree with but I don't think you need longer visits to an area - that infers out of area visitors and that means travel with associated congestion and pollution. You want local people to local centre with more visits - not longer visits.
597Feedback (Q11-16)Question 16b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the draft Policy E5?Southsea's food offer being a key theme is a problem. The food / cafe market is saturated, a future vision must bring something new. Focus more on independent retail and culture to complement the food sector. ANd tidy up Palmerston road so people actually want to go, it would be a great draw with proper paving and festoon lights etc. And fix Duisberg way for cyclists, it's ridiculous.
635Feedback (Q11-16)Question 16b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the draft Policy E5?More investment needed in this area
638Feedback (Q11-16)Question 16b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the draft Policy E5?Agree with the approach to everywhere but Gunwharf. Alternative uses on upper floors is not advantageous unless the plan is to make Gunwharf taller.
655adrian.plumridgeFeedback (Q11-16)Question 16b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the draft Policy E5?100% behind this
656Feedback (Q11-16)Question 16b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the draft Policy E5?Fratton and North end both support major roads and routes - how are you going to improve the air quality or experience? you cannot make them pedestrianised as that would cause chaos on the roads.
675andrew.smithFeedback (Q11-16)Question 16b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the draft Policy E5?Reducing the size of these areas is a good thing and the rejuvenation of these areas is also a great step forward. It's the quality of the shops and amenities in these areas which let them down. Too many independent shops which do not offer quality - just focused on low price. Gunwharf is a big success, now compare that to commercial road - what a dissapointment to visitors to the city. North End is nearly a "No Go" zone. Serious investment is needed and stronger vetting of businesses - will it improve the area should be the first question and do we need this should be the second.
682rosemary.barrettFeedback (Q11-16)Question 16b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the draft Policy E5?Remove shopping from Commercial Road totally apart from local ones and use for Housing - concentrate on improving the other local shopping areas i.e. Gunwharf/ Southsea/North End and Cosham.

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