Do you have any further comments or suggestions about Policy G3?
Local plan Q23b)
Responder id | Responder name | Content name | Question | Answer |
405 | martin | Feedback (Q21-25) | Question 23b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about Policy G3? | HMO enlargements should not be highlighted as a potential increase in nutrient impact anymore than a family moving into a house once occupied by a single person |
424 | rbarlow | Feedback (Q21-25) | Question 23b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about Policy G3? | Given the recent scandal involving Southern Water, there needs to be greater focus upon how relevant organisations will be partners |
538 | markbartonrn | Feedback (Q21-25) | Question 23b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about Policy G3? | You are fiddling with a bit that you state is minor at significant risk to other policies particularly in driven up cost (any calculated plan is an additional burden on a project) rather than the main causes. |
597 | Feedback (Q21-25) | Question 23b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about Policy G3? | I'd love to know what the water companies are actually doing about the infrastructure that leads to flooding and sewage discharge. Do we fine them routinely? | |
618 | Feedback (Q21-25) | Question 23b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about Policy G3? | Again, a lot of work has gone into mitigating against polluting development. Water quality is so important for wildlife, offsetting using a nitrogen budget is really offering a last option. I know you have to provide housing for people, but maybe they will have to live outside the city. | |
656 | Feedback (Q21-25) | Question 23b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about Policy G3? | our existing waterways cannot cope and we are constantly pumping / spilling sewage. need to see this fixed with the current level of population before adding more people to the problem! | |
694 | pat.omahoney | Feedback (Q21-25) | Question 23b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about Policy G3? | I say green it all but be aware trees and local drains/sewers/ cables and other public utilities do not always mix well and can cause expensive problems later. |
716 | clareseek | Feedback (Q21-25) | Question 23b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about Policy G3? | Why are business developments not included? |
746 | mgmitchell | Feedback (Q21-25) | Question 23b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about Policy G3? | I'm surprised that the Plan makes light of the ongoing serious problem of the pollution of sea water - in Langstone Harbour and Eastney in particular - by Southern Water, who disaharge untreated sewage into the sea on a very regular basis. This must have a significant impact not only on our environment but also on our leisure/tourist industries. The City needs to work with other LAs across the South East and pressurise Ofwat and the Environment Agency to continue to prosecute the company until they address this issue seriously. |
748 | dragonflybeth | Feedback (Q21-25) | Question 23b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about Policy G3? | We can not allow sewage to continue to be dumped into our seas unchecked. Companies must be held accountable, but also supported to ensure they can deal effectively with the waste produced. |
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