Alternatively, what scale do you think any design guides or codes should be applied in Portsmouth?

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396jon.knoxFeedback (Q26-31)Question 26d: Alternatively, what scale do you think any design guides or codes should be applied in Portsmouth?
405martinFeedback (Q26-31)Question 26d: Alternatively, what scale do you think any design guides or codes should be applied in Portsmouth?I am loathe to restrict design to predefined forms - we should encourage diversity and innovative approaches, not mandate a permanent (and in the future dated) look and feel
538markbartonrnFeedback (Q26-31)Question 26d: Alternatively, what scale do you think any design guides or codes should be applied in Portsmouth?areas but they should be linked - southsea is different in historical design (Thomas Owen influence) then centre (1890s RN move ashore design influence)
579adrian.broomeFeedback (Q26-31)Question 26d: Alternatively, what scale do you think any design guides or codes should be applied in Portsmouth?Individualism and NO more plain bland clad boring buildings.. TAKE INTO consideration the local area and our city's heritage. Individualism costs now more!
784trevor_moseFeedback (Q26-31)Question 26d: Alternatively, what scale do you think any design guides or codes should be applied in Portsmouth?it is hard to identify a general style or material that characterises the city. The use of boating and maritime elements might be something but the red bricks of southsea victoriana would look odd in paulsgrove. I think the emphasis should be on quality and space with a reference to a more local interpretation expressed through conservation areas
798chrisleeclarkFeedback (Q26-31)Question 26d: Alternatively, what scale do you think any design guides or codes should be applied in Portsmouth?We see commendable principles but no code.
812anna.koorFeedback (Q26-31)Question 26d: Alternatively, what scale do you think any design guides or codes should be applied in Portsmouth?If this would lead to better designed, aesthetically superior modern structures, then it would be an improvement on what we currently have.
816rachelmhudsonFeedback (Q26-31)Question 26d: Alternatively, what scale do you think any design guides or codes should be applied in Portsmouth?I think street design code would be terrific for a whole range of reasons, including de-cluttering our pavements, seating in helpful places, creating a sense of place, accessibility for all, as well as aesthetics - all of which encourage more people to walk and enjoy our city's streets. I have seen design codes produced by organisations such as English Heritage that seem helpful. Healthy Streets code is helpful. But I am sure there are many others by organisations such as RTPI and DfT.
827roderick.pullenFeedback (Q26-31)Question 26d: Alternatively, what scale do you think any design guides or codes should be applied in Portsmouth?Suggest the scale should be at "village" level. Tipner significantly differs from Eastney, Copnor from Old Portsmouth.
832rachelmhudsonFeedback (Q26-31)Question 26d: Alternatively, what scale do you think any design guides or codes should be applied in Portsmouth?The answer I gave to Q26e would imply that I'm thinking about public space and street level design guides.

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