Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to Policy D3?

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812anna.koorFeedback (Q26-31)Question 28b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to Policy D3?Amenity should include heritage settings. There is increasing nuisance from renovated residential properties that are then wholly turned over to Air BnB short-term lettings and the inevitable problems that brings, not just to neighbours but to the council in terms of loss of hotel business rates, disproportionate impact on council services, not to mention the unsustainable waste issues they bring.
784trevor_moseFeedback (Q26-31)Question 28b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to Policy D3?as with the other policies in this section they are all massive and could be sub-divided for clarity. policy d3 is the first real mention of air quality which as one fo the four main aims of the plan should be front and centre. Really important to emphasise both impact of development AND impact on users of the development from existing poor air quality (i.e. putting vulnerable old people by a busy main road)
846morrismFeedback (Q26-31)Question 28b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to Policy D3?But doesn't go far enough. For example, if a house or flat is it affordable for the owner to live in it? There's no point building something that's too expensive to live in. The CAZ should be the whole island. The only vehicles being exempt should be those using the M275 to/from the ferry port. The new CAZ will cause many rat runs through residential streets to avoid charges and hence impact more people than current traffic. This was a great opportunity that wasn't taken. So how did this get approved? Car parking is important - cars driving round and round streets looking for a parking space either at their home or school collection time is a significant health issue for residents and pedestrians. It's the World Health Organization (American spelling).
816rachelmhudsonFeedback (Q26-31)Question 28b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to Policy D3?But I'm not convinced it will be enforced. I'm sure new developments contribute to more vehicles, more carbon and NO2 emissions. 15 minute neighbourhoods and excellent public transport would encourage more people to walk and cycle. This would make a big difference to the impact of new developments.
746mgmitchellFeedback (Q26-31)Question 28b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to Policy D3?Design has a part to play in improving air quality but the way to address nitogen dioxide pollution is through traffic regulation, not design. The City has to grasp the nettle and introduce much stronger disincentives for people to drive into the City, whilst at the same time improving public transport provision, particularly buses, via cheaper fares, more discrete bus lanes and more regular services.
832rachelmhudsonFeedback (Q26-31)Question 28b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to Policy D3?District/communal Heating would be wonderful as well as micro-renewables. Strongly suggest that incentives are found to encourage property owners to review their underused spaces for these. See also my answer to 27B.
798chrisleeclarkFeedback (Q26-31)Question 28b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to Policy D3?Maximising daylight, minimising noise - vital for well-being.
579adrian.broomeFeedback (Q26-31)Question 28b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to Policy D3?Must include GREEN PLANTING
844hyeomansFeedback (Q26-31)Question 28b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to Policy D3?No
764sc.munroFeedback (Q26-31)Question 28b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to Policy D3?People need space.

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