Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the proposed overarching principles for the redevelopment of the city centre?

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388City Centre (Q32-38)Question 33b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the proposed overarching principles for the redevelopment of the city centre?Retain historic buildings and reflect maritime and local history and identity wherever possible.
405martinCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 33b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the proposed overarching principles for the redevelopment of the city centre?We need a local train service - say every 5 minutes from Fareham to Commercial Rd and the same from Havant, this would take the pressure off roads and encourage people to consider visiting/working in the city
407MatthowlettCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 33b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the proposed overarching principles for the redevelopment of the city centre?No
424rbarlowCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 33b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the proposed overarching principles for the redevelopment of the city centre?Within development, priority should be given to smal,local businesses and creative industries to ensure Portsmouth's entreprenuerial culture thrives as part of the city centre's development
428katherinecl.leeCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 33b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the proposed overarching principles for the redevelopment of the city centre?Hopefully all development will have a low carbon emissions approach.
434City Centre (Q32-38)Question 33b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the proposed overarching principles for the redevelopment of the city centre?Portsmouth already has over 10% greater population density than London, the second most densely populated city in the UK.
439City Centre (Q32-38)Question 33b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the proposed overarching principles for the redevelopment of the city centre?Any new accommodations should be rent capped to make them affordable to the lcd, e.g. the lowest common denominator of weekly earnings!
443City Centre (Q32-38)Question 33b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the proposed overarching principles for the redevelopment of the city centre?Too many residential areas.
444adrian_leggCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 33b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the proposed overarching principles for the redevelopment of the city centre?Don't build a bloody lake
471City Centre (Q32-38)Question 33b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the proposed overarching principles for the redevelopment of the city centre?Keep it as shopping centre and do not allow the university to take it over as you are doing g

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