Would you like to see a clear design identity across the city centre (or within each identity area), or more design variation? (free text question)

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652City Centre (Q32-38)Question 33c: Would you like to see a clear design identity across the city centre (or within each identity area), or more design variation? (free text question)a clear design because then it would tie the areas in together rather than everything being one big mess
848City Centre (Q32-38)Question 33c: Would you like to see a clear design identity across the city centre (or within each identity area), or more design variation? (free text question)A design identity within each identity area
725City Centre (Q32-38)Question 33c: Would you like to see a clear design identity across the city centre (or within each identity area), or more design variation? (free text question)A standard design focusing on Portsmouth's Naval traditions and history but with a modern twist and application.
654johnbuddCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 33c: Would you like to see a clear design identity across the city centre (or within each identity area), or more design variation? (free text question)Again so long as it it is sympathetic with our older or historical buildings then yes
706City Centre (Q32-38)Question 33c: Would you like to see a clear design identity across the city centre (or within each identity area), or more design variation? (free text question)Clear design identitiy
536City Centre (Q32-38)Question 33c: Would you like to see a clear design identity across the city centre (or within each identity area), or more design variation? (free text question)Clear design identity
793charlotte.geradaCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 33c: Would you like to see a clear design identity across the city centre (or within each identity area), or more design variation? (free text question)Clear design identity
716clareseekCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 33c: Would you like to see a clear design identity across the city centre (or within each identity area), or more design variation? (free text question)Clear design identity (or at minimum in each area)
844hyeomansCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 33c: Would you like to see a clear design identity across the city centre (or within each identity area), or more design variation? (free text question)Clear identity across the whole city centre
566krCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 33c: Would you like to see a clear design identity across the city centre (or within each identity area), or more design variation? (free text question)Commercial Road is so bad that there should almost be a blank canvas to work on. It requires easy 24/7 in and out access.

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