If residential-led (Option 1), do you agree with the proposed scale of development?

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Responder idResponder nameContent nameQuestionAnswer
388City Centre (Q32-38)Question 34b: If residential-led (Option 1), do you agree with the proposed scale of development?Yes
439City Centre (Q32-38)Question 34b: If residential-led (Option 1), do you agree with the proposed scale of development?Yes
443City Centre (Q32-38)Question 34b: If residential-led (Option 1), do you agree with the proposed scale of development?No - the area is unsuited to residential development. It is too close to the M275 and the Naval dockyard, commercial port and ferry terminals. It would remove an area essential for skilled employment and that is close to the dockyard and port. Key firms with important links to these would have to re-locate to other less suitable sites. I should imagine high-rise residential buildings that close to the dockyard would pose security and safety concerns.
471City Centre (Q32-38)Question 34b: If residential-led (Option 1), do you agree with the proposed scale of development?No
472City Centre (Q32-38)Question 34b: If residential-led (Option 1), do you agree with the proposed scale of development?No
536City Centre (Q32-38)Question 34b: If residential-led (Option 1), do you agree with the proposed scale of development?
538markbartonrnCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 34b: If residential-led (Option 1), do you agree with the proposed scale of development?Yes
597City Centre (Q32-38)Question 34b: If residential-led (Option 1), do you agree with the proposed scale of development?yes. My concern is the traffic going through it for pollution - it won't be a nice area. Also public transport links.
624City Centre (Q32-38)Question 34b: If residential-led (Option 1), do you agree with the proposed scale of development?Yes
629sharon.courtCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 34b: If residential-led (Option 1), do you agree with the proposed scale of development?Yes

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