Would the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area be suitable for a new linear park?

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Responder idResponder nameContent nameQuestionAnswer
656City Centre (Q32-38)Question 34c: Would the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area be suitable for a new linear park?any addition of green space has got to be a good thing.
844hyeomansCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 34c: Would the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area be suitable for a new linear park?Definitely
651marka.grahamCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 34c: Would the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area be suitable for a new linear park?Don’t know
439City Centre (Q32-38)Question 34c: Would the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area be suitable for a new linear park?Dot't know.
506City Centre (Q32-38)Question 34c: Would the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area be suitable for a new linear park?Employment use, particularly Portsmouth port
716clareseekCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 34c: Would the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area be suitable for a new linear park?Essential to have some park/green space in this area.
629sharon.courtCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 34c: Would the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area be suitable for a new linear park?I don't know what that is?
443City Centre (Q32-38)Question 34c: Would the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area be suitable for a new linear park?Maybe - any opportunity to green the city is to be welcomed, but not as a token gesture towards environmental concerns, which it could be seen to be.
Reg18_66ed.kemsleyCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 34c: Would the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area be suitable for a new linear park?Morrisons supports the principle of a linear park in this location as this would serve future residents, however given the desire to re-provide the Morrisons store on site we would need to consider the design / layout implications of this in more detail going forward.
424rbarlowCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 34c: Would the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area be suitable for a new linear park?No

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