Do you have any other comments on the approach to the future of the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area?

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807denisevineCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 34d: Do you have any other comments on the approach to the future of the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area?Access to this site is complicated and unclear. The new road network should not create a development island, surrounded by busy & un-crossable roads. Road under passes for the traffic should be considered to create a pedestrian friendly, above ground environment.
471City Centre (Q32-38)Question 34d: Do you have any other comments on the approach to the future of the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area?Council will not listen to opinions of residents only what university wants.
472City Centre (Q32-38)Question 34d: Do you have any other comments on the approach to the future of the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area?Council will not listen to opinions of residents only what university wants.
686sue.craneCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 34d: Do you have any other comments on the approach to the future of the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area?Current planting on the main exit road is good; need to create sense of space, greenery, village. Portsmouth is a series of villages and to work to this model would be appropriate.
844hyeomansCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 34d: Do you have any other comments on the approach to the future of the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area?Ensure it is linked to the rest of he city centre
716clareseekCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 34d: Do you have any other comments on the approach to the future of the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area?Ensuring that air quality is improved in this area is critical to ensure that additional people living there aren't exposed to current levels.
707mike.sellersCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 34d: Do you have any other comments on the approach to the future of the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area?Herbert Street / Victory Park is important in supporting core port growth. Furthermore, housing close to a 24/ hour port operation will jeoperdise existing activity.
656City Centre (Q32-38)Question 34d: Do you have any other comments on the approach to the future of the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area?is this the only area to include new education and healthcare space? Portsmouth struggles with this and so this must be added to all plans surely?
407MatthowlettCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 34d: Do you have any other comments on the approach to the future of the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area?More green spaces maybe wildflower meadow somewhere.
Reg18_66ed.kemsleyCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 34d: Do you have any other comments on the approach to the future of the Herbert Street / Victory Retail Park Regeneration area?Morrisons note that the opportunity area covers land within their ownership, however it also includes 3rd party land to the north. Whilst we appreciate the Council’s desire to deliver a comprehensive development across the area, we would suggest that the plan allows for a phased development to ensure the deliverability of development. We would also stress the importance of continuity of trade of the Morrisons store during the delivery of the development itself. In respect of the delivery of new housing, we would suggest that the Local Plan and policies in relation to this site adopt a flexible approach in respect of housing mix / tenure. The draft Local Plan confirms the need to deliver a variety of housing throughout the city to provide a choice of high-quality homes and to create inclusive, mixed and sustainable communities. In addition to open market housing, we consider that the site has scope to deliver Build to Rent as well as accommodation for students and the elderly. We note the draft Local Plan acknowledges the benefit of bespoke student accommodation which helps free up other residencies currently occupied by students. The draft Local Plan confirms that the provision of purpose-built student accommodation potentially allows for the release of Home in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) back to much-needed family homes. In light of this and given the location of the site we consider that there is scope to provide student accommodation on the current site, potentially as part of a mix of other residential accommodation. We consider that Build to Rent housing is a further option for this site. The Local Housing Needs Assessment confirms that this type of housing can meet the needs of a number of demographic and social groups within the community. The draft Local Plan also confirms that Build to Rent schemes also have the “advantage of being able to offer longer term tenancies for those who want them (sometimes known as ‘family friendly tenancies’) providing longer term security and stability.” Finally, we also consider that the site has the potential to deliver accommodation for the elderly. Again, the Local Housing Needs Assessment identifies a growing demand for specialist elderly accommodation in Portsmouth. Based on our initial review, we consider there is scope to deliver retirement living as part of mixed tenure development, in particular extra care accommodation.

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