What else should be considered for the enhancement of the appearance and setting of the Portsmouth and Southsea Railway Station as a key arrival 'gateway'?

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388City Centre (Q32-38)Question 37c: What else should be considered for the enhancement of the appearance and setting of the Portsmouth and Southsea Railway Station as a key arrival 'gateway'?Greenery
405martinCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 37c: What else should be considered for the enhancement of the appearance and setting of the Portsmouth and Southsea Railway Station as a key arrival 'gateway'?The road in front of the station needs to be pedestrianised and the whole space opened out as a public space with cafes and retail opposite
407MatthowlettCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 37c: What else should be considered for the enhancement of the appearance and setting of the Portsmouth and Southsea Railway Station as a key arrival 'gateway'?Green spaces
424rbarlowCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 37c: What else should be considered for the enhancement of the appearance and setting of the Portsmouth and Southsea Railway Station as a key arrival 'gateway'?Eye-catching architect, green features and at least one cultural attraction
428katherinecl.leeCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 37c: What else should be considered for the enhancement of the appearance and setting of the Portsmouth and Southsea Railway Station as a key arrival 'gateway'?nice green open public space
439City Centre (Q32-38)Question 37c: What else should be considered for the enhancement of the appearance and setting of the Portsmouth and Southsea Railway Station as a key arrival 'gateway'?A bit more planting on the forecourt area plus clearer drop off/pick up access.
441City Centre (Q32-38)Question 37c: What else should be considered for the enhancement of the appearance and setting of the Portsmouth and Southsea Railway Station as a key arrival 'gateway'?open space for people not vehicles, public uses, performance space to compliment civic area
444adrian_leggCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 37c: What else should be considered for the enhancement of the appearance and setting of the Portsmouth and Southsea Railway Station as a key arrival 'gateway'?Should the area include a bus terminal?
536City Centre (Q32-38)Question 37c: What else should be considered for the enhancement of the appearance and setting of the Portsmouth and Southsea Railway Station as a key arrival 'gateway'?Interractive digital maps of the city with short videos of sightseeing landmarks. Pedestrianised tree lined street with cafes with internal and external seating. Occasional street performers.
538markbartonrnCity Centre (Q32-38)Question 37c: What else should be considered for the enhancement of the appearance and setting of the Portsmouth and Southsea Railway Station as a key arrival 'gateway'?Keep the old station front and get some space with outside cafes opposite it and around entrances to it so if feels like coming out onto a plazza

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