What should the approach be to the future of Tipner?

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Responder idResponder nameContent nameQuestionAnswer
386AcoleTipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39a: What should the approach be to the future of Tipner?i. Option 1: Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation)
390jlloydTipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39a: What should the approach be to the future of Tipner?i. Option 1: Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation)
394Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39a: What should the approach be to the future of Tipner?i. Option 1: Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation)
418martinTipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39a: What should the approach be to the future of Tipner?i. Option 1: Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation)
424rbarlowTipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39a: What should the approach be to the future of Tipner?i. Option 1: Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation)
441Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39a: What should the approach be to the future of Tipner?i. Option 1: Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation)
480Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39a: What should the approach be to the future of Tipner?i. Option 1: Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation)
481Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39a: What should the approach be to the future of Tipner?i. Option 1: Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation)
482Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39a: What should the approach be to the future of Tipner?i. Option 1: Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation)
508Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39a: What should the approach be to the future of Tipner?i. Option 1: Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation)

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