Option 1 - Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation): Do you have any comments or suggestions about the outlined principles and requirements for development'?

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384guycwilkersonTipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39b: Option 1 - Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation): Do you have any comments or suggestions about the outlined principles and requirements for development'?It is in no way sustainable to build into the sea over a SSSI. A land only development is fine.
386AcoleTipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39b: Option 1 - Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation): Do you have any comments or suggestions about the outlined principles and requirements for development'?Portsmouth needs to grow and have viable options for employment. We're building more homes but also need to create more local employment and grasp our maritime heritage. Im sure the m275 met with objections initially but look at the benefit it hs given Portsmouth
390jlloydTipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39b: Option 1 - Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation): Do you have any comments or suggestions about the outlined principles and requirements for development'?Its unfortunate, but if we need land we need to reclaim some of these low lying mud areas.
394Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39b: Option 1 - Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation): Do you have any comments or suggestions about the outlined principles and requirements for development'?its about time
412Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39b: Option 1 - Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation): Do you have any comments or suggestions about the outlined principles and requirements for development'?We are supposed to be an island, stop trying to connect us up to the mainland
427allihusseyTipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39b: Option 1 - Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation): Do you have any comments or suggestions about the outlined principles and requirements for development'?This is an area of scientific interest. I walk it every day and it would be a travesty to lose such an area for the birds and insect life as well as the sea area. I know the planners have said they will build new areas but it would be too late when they discover their "building new area" fail. I daily see a variety of birds from snipes, Brent geese, Grebes and Cormorants, red shanks, ruffs, dunlins, sanderlings, plovers, oyster catchers, whimbrels, Godwits to name but a few. Insects are in abundance including grasshoppers and butterflies, and of course the many bees that visit the varied wild flowers Yarrow, clover, to name but two, it must surely be one of the last wild meadows left in Portsmouth and of course with the insects come the bats the two types of piperstrals Soprano and the common. Oyster shells are constantly been washed up on the shore line and it is a popular place to fish. Mice, voles, and an assortment of other small creatures. When the tide goes out the mud flats suck in the carbon in the atmosphere similar to the peat bogs that the government is so anxious to maintain, your friends the planners are wanting to destroy those, hows that going to help with the carbon omissions. in this day of Global warming and the destruction of our environment do Portsmouth City Council really want to be remembered for the decimation of the last natural area in the city.
431Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39b: Option 1 - Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation): Do you have any comments or suggestions about the outlined principles and requirements for development'?Worst suggestion. Building on Tipner West would set a precedent and open the flood gates to councils all over the country concreting over protected natural sites. We should be saving these sites, not incorporating them into housing development.
434Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39b: Option 1 - Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation): Do you have any comments or suggestions about the outlined principles and requirements for development'?If this went ahead, what is to stop the house developers from reneging on them building "affordable" or social housing, as many have done in the past saying the scheme is unaffordable when it is too late to stop the project?
441Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39b: Option 1 - Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation): Do you have any comments or suggestions about the outlined principles and requirements for development'?amazing idea forward thinking very proud to have this in portsmouth
444adrian_leggTipner & Horsea Island (Q39)Question 39b: Option 1 - Innovative Sustainable Community (inc. land reclamation): Do you have any comments or suggestions about the outlined principles and requirements for development'?This should not happen.

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