Are there any other options for development at Tipner that the Council should consider?
Local Plan Q39e)
Responder id | Responder name | Content name | Question | Answer |
384 | guycwilkerson | Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39) | Question 39e: Are there any other options for development at Tipner that the Council should consider? | The bridge across to Horsea Island needs a covenant so that its use cannot be changed without permission of the local residents organisations. It also seems clear that the next environmental target after CO2 emissions will be methane of which the Horsea island Country Park is a major producer - it may become necessary in future years to take action to address this and any local plan should consider how this might be done. |
386 | Acole | Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39) | Question 39e: Are there any other options for development at Tipner that the Council should consider? | Expand Tipner east northwards for the Housing, reduce the size of Tipner West so that it accommodates the marine employment hub only. Move Park and ride to North of City - North Harbour and add houses there |
412 | Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39) | Question 39e: Are there any other options for development at Tipner that the Council should consider? | Why do you need to develop it, spend the money on fixing the rest of the city | |
427 | allihussey | Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39) | Question 39e: Are there any other options for development at Tipner that the Council should consider? | I don't know where the council should consider all I know in my heart is that to build on Tipner West is not the answer to the problem in the city in fact personally I feel it will compound the problem. |
441 | Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39) | Question 39e: Are there any other options for development at Tipner that the Council should consider? | ||
444 | adrian_legg | Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39) | Question 39e: Are there any other options for development at Tipner that the Council should consider? | No. Build homes, but just on the land that is there. |
452 | Itsquitecool | Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39) | Question 39e: Are there any other options for development at Tipner that the Council should consider? | A public park on the old firing range |
476 | jbstancliffe | Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39) | Question 39e: Are there any other options for development at Tipner that the Council should consider? | The creation of this new super-peninsula would be at the expense of vital habitats relied on by precious wildlife such as dark-bellied brent geese, for which Portsmouth Harbour is an internationally important winter refuge. Tipner West also already provides an important green space where local people can escape city life and connect with nature – crucial for residents’ physical and mental health. Despite the highest level of protection for nature, 50 football fields worth of wildlife-rich, carbon-storing habitats would be permanently lost if the plans were to proceed. Portsmouth City Council has a legal duty to protect our most important wildlife sites, like Portsmouth Harbour, from damaging development. This is more important than ever as we face a global climate crisis and nature emergency |
526 | Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39) | Question 39e: Are there any other options for development at Tipner that the Council should consider? | Yes make sure all wildlife is protected an stop planners and big companies building in stupid places | |
537 | jane.didino | Tipner & Horsea Island (Q39) | Question 39e: Are there any other options for development at Tipner that the Council should consider? | None. |
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