Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to Policy S3?

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383Cosham (Q41)Question 41b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach proposed approach to Policy S4?There is inadequate infrastructure to support so many additional houses / flats etc
386AcoleCosham (Q41)Question 41b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach proposed approach to Policy S4?Agree with Policy as long as Schools, GPs, Buses etc can cater for additional 740 homes
441Cosham (Q41)Question 41b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach proposed approach to Policy S4?needs some height, more public space for dwelling, improved F&B, more support for longterm tenants, pedestrianize the high street, be more ambitious
444adrian_leggCosham (Q41)Question 41b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach proposed approach to Policy S4?There are no real proposals, just a large area for consideration. It does touch on the police station to health centre site, but that should be a strategic location given it's proximity to the High Street and bus stops.
474phil.howarthCosham (Q41)Question 41b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach proposed approach to Policy S4?I agree that much of the identified area could be redeveloped for housing. However where this has already occurred little facility has been made for the additional private and commercial vehicles the occupants use. Parking congestion is evident inside and outside the planned area already. Communial parking areas need to be considered.
486marie_bartlettCosham (Q41)Question 41b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach proposed approach to Policy S4?Where do I find Policy G2: Green Infrastructure page 155?
516dixonCosham (Q41)Question 41b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach proposed approach to Policy S4?No
517stevepayneCosham (Q41)Question 41b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach proposed approach to Policy S4?The density of proposed housing seems very high . I'm concerned this will only be achievable with higher than existing buildings which would ruin the character of central Cosham making it more like Portsmouth town centre. I'm keen for the likes of the tatty Spur and Northern Roads to be improved but I'm concerned that the only motive behind this scheme is to cram as many homes in as possible to meet housing targets.
532LeheardCosham (Q41)Question 41b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach proposed approach to Policy S4?The flood zone of this area being only flood zone 1 just because it is not near a river or sea does not give an honest view of how badly this area is affected by internal floods, if you take the 0.1% of floods into account and then realise the local roads near here have floods internally at least 5-6 times a year then this flood zone you are indicating is highly incorrect. This development proposal will remove a large natural soak away which right now is helping to protect neighbouring property’s. I have 100’s if not 1000’s of people willing to write a contesting letter against this proposed plan This does not even take into account schools capacity, doctors, dentists, roads, hospital !!! I am appalled that residents are not taken into account who are already suffering so much where they live because of new builds constantly going up and the council adding to an infrastructure that is already inadequate for what it has let alone adding to it Residents in Cosham where appalled to hear about five houses being planned in a badly flooded road imagine the response to 740 !!
539j.mitchellCosham (Q41)Question 41b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach proposed approach to Policy S4?As an existing resident I am very concerned about the density of future housing proposals. Recent developments in this area have given little consideration for existing residents. Recent developments have had little or even no parking provision which has caused an increase in parking in nearby residential roads that were already fully utilised. The argument that good public transport provision would reduce demand for car ownership has proved to be little more than wishful thinking. Flash flooding has become a more frequent issue in the lower lying areas of Cosham. I would strongly recommend that increased sewer/drainage capacity needs to be part of any development. Schools and doctors are at capacity in this area. More provision will be required to support any residential development.

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