Do you agree with the proposed approach to the provision of the older persons housing in Portsmouth?

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Responder idResponder nameContent nameQuestionAnswer
381janathomeFeedback (Q4-10)Question 6a (cont.): Do you agree with the proposed approach to the provision of the older persons housing in Portsmouth?i. Yes
389Feedback (Q4-10)Question 6a (cont.): Do you agree with the proposed approach to the provision of the older persons housing in Portsmouth?i. Yes
390jlloydFeedback (Q4-10)Question 6a (cont.): Do you agree with the proposed approach to the provision of the older persons housing in Portsmouth?i. Yes
404scottgreenFeedback (Q4-10)Question 6a (cont.): Do you agree with the proposed approach to the provision of the older persons housing in Portsmouth?i. Yes
405martinFeedback (Q4-10)Question 6a (cont.): Do you agree with the proposed approach to the provision of the older persons housing in Portsmouth?ii. No
416andrewprestonFeedback (Q4-10)Question 6a (cont.): Do you agree with the proposed approach to the provision of the older persons housing in Portsmouth?i. Yes
422Feedback (Q4-10)Question 6a (cont.): Do you agree with the proposed approach to the provision of the older persons housing in Portsmouth?iii. Not sure / don't know
424rbarlowFeedback (Q4-10)Question 6a (cont.): Do you agree with the proposed approach to the provision of the older persons housing in Portsmouth?i. Yes
432Feedback (Q4-10)Question 6a (cont.): Do you agree with the proposed approach to the provision of the older persons housing in Portsmouth?iii. Not sure / don't know
436Feedback (Q4-10)Question 6a (cont.): Do you agree with the proposed approach to the provision of the older persons housing in Portsmouth?i. Yes

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