Please tell us more about what you think this requirement should be.

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390jlloydFeedback (Q4-10)Question 6d: (If yes) Please tell us more about what you think this requirement should be.dont make it a 30% requirement! Developers will not build if there is no profit for them. You will need their cash and expertise to get houses built
405martinFeedback (Q4-10)Question 6d: (If yes) Please tell us more about what you think this requirement should be.The issue is the definition of affordable. Many will never be able to afford their own home but for those who can, if there were adequate supply of new properties, affordability would be one of the outcomes.
416andrewprestonFeedback (Q4-10)Question 6d: (If yes) Please tell us more about what you think this requirement should be.In the USA modular housing has been built for many years and recently companies in Britain have been set up to build in this way. Such houses can be built half complete with space next to them for extra modules to be added if , for example, the family expands or can afford a car and needs a garage. Such a scheme in association with land reclamation would be viable in Portsmouth. Land reclamation at the northern end of Portsmouth Harbour would protect the low lying existing housing from flooding.
424rbarlowFeedback (Q4-10)Question 6d: (If yes) Please tell us more about what you think this requirement should be.20%
436Feedback (Q4-10)Question 6d: (If yes) Please tell us more about what you think this requirement should be.30% is not enough!
441Feedback (Q4-10)Question 6d: (If yes) Please tell us more about what you think this requirement should all the student housing being used?
444adrian_leggFeedback (Q4-10)Question 6d: (If yes) Please tell us more about what you think this requirement should be.if developers don't provide the required quotas, they should pay for them to be built elsewhere or pay for PCC to build them.
448Feedback (Q4-10)Question 6d: (If yes) Please tell us more about what you think this requirement should be.I think we need more than 30% affordable housing as there is a lot of poverty in Portsmouth. Maybe 50% or more.
464kevinbutcFeedback (Q4-10)Question 6d: (If yes) Please tell us more about what you think this requirement should be.try like other places, use old shipping containers
538markbartonrnFeedback (Q4-10)Question 6d: (If yes) Please tell us more about what you think this requirement should be.Better develop the city centre with more affordable.

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