Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to the density of new homes in the city?
Local Plan Q9b)
Responder id | Responder name | Content name | Question | Answer |
381 | janathome | Feedback (Q4-10) | Question 9b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to the density of new homes in the city? | The Policy is badly framed because it sets "Minimum" densities whereas the setting pf "Maximum" densities is obviously more appropriate in a City with extremely high density levels already. |
390 | jlloyd | Feedback (Q4-10) | Question 9b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to the density of new homes in the city? | Its inevitable that tower blocks will creep across from Gunwharf into the island, but they should be kept together as much as possible! |
416 | andrewpreston | Feedback (Q4-10) | Question 9b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to the density of new homes in the city? | A lot of shops in Portsmouth seem to have developed from being built out as single storey dwellings from previous terraced homes with front gardens. Albert Rd or Highland Rd for example. The houses are very old and look poorly maintained in many cases. Occasionally they have been demolished and new, modern, mediium sized blocks of flats built. There seems to be a case for doing some compulsory purchasing and rebuilding similar modern blocks on these old sites. |
444 | adrian_legg | Feedback (Q4-10) | Question 9b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to the density of new homes in the city? | Tipner West should be excluded |
448 | Feedback (Q4-10) | Question 9b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to the density of new homes in the city? | Portsmouth appears to have much too high a housing density, which is bad for the environment and for the welfare of the residents. Too much traffic, refuse etc. We need to do something but subtracting from an area is much harder to do than adding to it. | |
483 | Feedback (Q4-10) | Question 9b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to the density of new homes in the city? | We all need homes so we ave to be realistic about building. What l wouldn't want to see was developeers buying out of their obligations once planning had been approved - this must be monitored and not allowed. | |
535 | Feedback (Q4-10) | Question 9b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to the density of new homes in the city? | Proposed density levels are too high. Strongly object to Tipner site being built on. Cosham cannot tolerate the proposed densities; infrastructure is already challenged, with local facilities progressively diminishing. | |
538 | markbartonrn | Feedback (Q4-10) | Question 9b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to the density of new homes in the city? | The high density heads too far into Southsea and Albert Road - these are already higher density than the infrastructure can cope with, with no room to expand roads, gardens or parking. |
545 | Feedback (Q4-10) | Question 9b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to the density of new homes in the city? | Make a Priority to retain public spaces | |
554 | katheepitt | Feedback (Q4-10) | Question 9b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to the density of new homes in the city? | too many for small island, we need more green space. |
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