Q1a) Do you agree with the use of the Imagine Portsmouth draft vision and objectives to lead the new Local Plan?

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Responder idResponder nameContent nameQuestionAnswer
389Feedback (Q1-3)Question 1a: Do you agree with the use of the Imagine Portsmouth draft vision and objectives to lead the new Local Plan?i. Yes
400mike_whitmarshFeedback (Q1-3)Question 1a: Do you agree with the use of the Imagine Portsmouth draft vision and objectives to lead the new Local Plan?i. Yes
402Feedback (Q1-3)Question 1a: Do you agree with the use of the Imagine Portsmouth draft vision and objectives to lead the new Local Plan?i. Yes
404scottgreenFeedback (Q1-3)Question 1a: Do you agree with the use of the Imagine Portsmouth draft vision and objectives to lead the new Local Plan?ii. No
408trishgantphotoFeedback (Q1-3)Question 1a: Do you agree with the use of the Imagine Portsmouth draft vision and objectives to lead the new Local Plan?i. Yes
410jon.allgoodFeedback (Q1-3)Question 1a: Do you agree with the use of the Imagine Portsmouth draft vision and objectives to lead the new Local Plan?i. Yes
416andrewprestonFeedback (Q1-3)Question 1a: Do you agree with the use of the Imagine Portsmouth draft vision and objectives to lead the new Local Plan?i. Yes
423Feedback (Q1-3)Question 1a: Do you agree with the use of the Imagine Portsmouth draft vision and objectives to lead the new Local Plan?i. Yes
436Feedback (Q1-3)Question 1a: Do you agree with the use of the Imagine Portsmouth draft vision and objectives to lead the new Local Plan?i. Yes
441Feedback (Q1-3)Question 1a: Do you agree with the use of the Imagine Portsmouth draft vision and objectives to lead the new Local Plan?i. Yes

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