List of questions asked in the Local Plan consultation
Local Plan questions
Question 1a: Do you agree with the use of the Imagine Portsmouth draft vision and objectives to lead the new Local Plan? |
Question 1b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the use of the Imagine Portsmouth draft version and objectives? |
Question 2a: Do you agree with the proposed key themes? |
Question 2b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the proposed key themes? |
Question 3a: Do you agree with the approach to the proposed Spatial Development Strategy for the new Local Plan? |
Question 3b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the Spatial Development Strategy for the new Local Plan? |
Question 4a: National policy states that the minimum number of new housing to be planned for should be determined in two ways: by local housing need and using the Government's standard method, unless exceptional circumstances justify an alternative approach in-line with current and future demographic trends, and market signals. Are there exceptional circumstances for Portsmouth that should be considered? |
Question 4b: (If yes) Please tell us more about these exceptional circumstances |
Question 5a: Table 2 sets out the anticipated sources of housing supply from 2020 - 2038. Do you agree with the suggested approach to housing supply for the plan period? |
Question 5b: Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the suggested approach to housing supply for the plan period? |
Question 6a: Do you agree with the proposed approach to the provision of self and custom-built housing in Portsmouth? |
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