DescriptionEarly Years (£)Primary (£)Secondary (£)SEN/Special Schools (£)AP/PRUs (£)Post School (£)Gross (£)Income (£)Net (£)
1.0.1 Individual Schools Budget (before academy recoupment), including sixth form grant for maintained schools, but excluding high needs place funding15,013,500.0076,135,643.0070,747,,896,277.000.00161,896,277.00
1.0.2 High needs place funding within Individual Schools Budget (before academy recoupment), excluding funding for 16-19 academies and free schools and FE colleges and independent learning providers0.00578,866.00264,700.006,538,334.001,336,700.000.008,718,600.000.008,718,600.00
1.1.1 Contingencies0.0072,877.0051,423.,300.000.00124,300.00
1.1.2 Behaviour support services0.
1.1.3 Support to UPEG and bilingual learners0.
1.1.4 Free school meals eligibility0.
1.1.5 Insurance0.
1.1.6 Museum and Library services0.
1.1.7 Licences/subscriptions0.
1.1.8 Staff costs � supply cover excluding cover for facility time0.

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