Department for Education Data Collection Year 2018-19 Table A: LA Level Information

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DescriptionEarly YearsPrimarySecondarySEN/Special SchoolsAP/PRUsGrossNet
1.0.1 Individual Schools Budget (ISB) (after academy recoupment, but excluding all high needs place funding)£ 13,287,161.00£ 28,464,041.00£ 11,305,273.00£ 53,056,475.00£ 53,056,475.00
1.0.2 High needs place funding within Individual Schools Budget (i.e. within school budget shares, after academy recoupment), including all pre- and post-16 place funding for maintained schools£ 268,879.00£ 43,288.00£ 1,622,500.00£ 1,081,667.00£ 3,016,334.00£ 3,016,334.00
1.1.1 Contingencies0000
1.1.2 Behaviour support services0000
1.1.3 Support to UPEG and bilingual learners0000
1.1.4 Free school meals eligibility0000
1.1.5 Insurance0000
1.1.6 Museum and Library services0000

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