Children's and young people's servicesSub-sectionsOwn provision (£)Provision by others - private (£)Provision by others - other public (£)Provision by others - voluntary (£)Total expenditure (£)Income (£)NET current expenditure (£)Government grants inside AEF (£)Government grants outside AEF (£)LEA NET revenue expenditure (£)
3.0 Sure start children's centres and other spend on children under 53.0.1 Spend on individual Sure Start Children's Centres0000000000
3.0 Sure start children's centres and other spend on children under 53.0.2 Spend for local authority provided or commissioned area wide services delivered through Sure Start Children's Centres0000000000
3.0 Sure start children's centres and other spend on children under 53.0.3 Spend on local authority management costs relating to Sure Start Children's Centres0000000000
3.0 Sure start children's centres and other spend on children under 53.0.4 Other spend on children under 5184,053.0022,750.004,697,504.0004,904,307.004,295,074.00609,233.00135,259.00258,594.00215,380.00
3.0 Sure start children's centres and other spend on children under 53.0.5 Total Sure Start children's centres and other spend on children under 5184,053.0022,750.004,697,504.0004,904,307.004,295,074.00609,233.00135,259.00258,594.00215,380.00
3.1 Children looked after3.1.1 Residential care2,170,499.007,567,225.00009,737,724.002,456,300.007,281,424.0015,103.0007,266,321.00
3.1 Children looked after3.1.2a Fostering services (excluding fees and allowances for LA foster carers)2,593,750.001,226,873.0073903,821,362.006,293.003,815,069.0014,668.0003,800,401.00
3.1 Children looked after3.1.2b Fostering services (fees and allowances for LA foster carers)6,701,216.00166,828.0078,199.0006,946,243.0079,562.006,866,681.0016,080.0006,850,601.00
3.1 Children looked after3.1.3 Adoption services916,341.0013,246.00894,678.0001,824,265.00370,543.001,453,722.004,428.003,832.001,445,462.00
3.1 Children looked after3.1.4 Special guardianship support890,488.0010,077.0000900,565.000900,565.001,615.0013,494.00885,456.00

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