NameStartEndLength (metres)SurfaceType of RouteLightingWidth (metres)Boundary typeOwnershipAccessibilityReliefStatusConditionDescription
Eldon Street FootpathEldon StreetSt. James's Road51FlagsSuburbanT1.3 , 4.7Brick walls & wire fencingAdoptedGoodFlatFootpathGoodThe adopted, metalled and lighted path 4.7m and 1.3m wide named ELDON STREET FOOTPATH, extending from Eldon Street (GR 464145 99603) in an easterly direction for 51m to St.James's Road (GR 464195 99591)
Rowes AlleyBroad StreetBath Square24FlagsSuburbanF1.5BrickAdoptedGoodFlatFootpathGoodThe adopted and metalled path 1.5m wide named ROWES ALLEY, extending from Broad Street (GR 462906 99566) in a westerly direction for 24m to Bath Square (GR 462883 99561)
White Hart AlleyWhite Hart RoadOyster Street22StoneSuburbanF1.8Walls & covered wayAdoptedGoodFlatFootpathGoodThe adopted and metalled path 1.8m wide named WHITE HART ALLEY, extending from White Hart Road (GR463139 99363) in an easterly direction for 22m to Oyster Street (GR 463161 99365)
Cecil PathCecil GroveCastle Road14FlagsSuburbanT2.7WallsAdoptedGoodFlatFootpathGoodThe adopted, metalled and lighted path 2.7m wide named CECIL PATH, extending from the eastern end of Cecil Grove (GR 463938 99168) in a south-easterly direction for 14m to Castle Road (GR 463938 99168)
Gillman PathGilman RoadPortsdown Hill Road82Earth & grassSuburbanFOverall 3m; Path 0.6Railings, fencing, hedgesAdoptedGoodFlatFootpathGoodThe adopted earth and grass path approximately 3.0m wide overall named GILLMAN PATH,extending from Waterworks Lodge,Gillman Road (GR 468267 106204) in a northerly direction for 82m to Portsdown Hill Road (GR 468257 106283)
Eden PathDown End RoadFarlington Avenue78TarmacSuburbanT1.8Fences, hedges & grassAdoptedGoodFlatFootpathGoodThe adopted, metalled and lighted path 1.8m wide named EDEN PATH, extending from the eastern end of Down End Road (GR467418 106180) in a northerly direction for 78m to Farlington Avenue (GR 467420 106255)
Copsey Close PathCopsey CloseHavant Road30TarmacSuburbanF1.5Wall & railingsAdoptedGoodFlatFootpathGoodThe adopted and metalled path 1.5m wide named COPSEY CLOSE PATH, extending from the northern end of Copsey Close (GR 467760 105650) in a northerly direction for 30m to Havant Road (GR 467756 105679)
Laburnum PathLaburnum AvenueHavant Road46TarmacSuburbanT2.5 > 2.0FencesAdoptedGoodFlatFootpathGoodThe adopted, metalled and lighted path 2.5m to 2.0m wide named LABURNUM PATH, extending from the northern end of Laburnum Avenue (GR 467314 105605) in a northerly direction for 46m to Havant Road (GR 467317 105650)
Aldsworth PathAldsworth CloseHavant Road46TarmacSuburbanT3.6Walls & fencesAdoptedGoodFlatFootpathGoodThe adopted, mettaled and lighted path 3.6m wide named ALDSWORTH PATH, extending from Aldsworth Close (GR467140 105615) in a northerly direction for 46m to Havant Road (GR 467139 105660)
Feltham RowBroad StreetWhite Hart Road189Flags & Millenium motifSuburbanT2.4<3.1, & 5.3Brick, railings & quaysideAdoptedGoodFlatFootpathGoodThe adopted, metalled and lighted path 3.1m to 2.4m wide named FELTHAM ROW, extending from Broad Street (GR 463030 99331) in a north-easterly and easterly direction for 189m to White Hart Road (GR 463152 99444)

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